Cancellation Policy


Guests can cancel a booking up to 3hrs before that booking takes place and the guest will receive a full credit valid for a future booking. There are no credits if a booking is cancelled within 3hrs of the allotted time. View our full credit policy here

Credits can take up to 5 business days to process.


If you need to cancel a guest booking please notify your guest as soon as possible and then contact us through support. We will issue a full credit to your guest and email them a confirmation of cancellation. You will be responsible for the 15% service fee which means you will have a deficit in your account that will be reimbursed to Sniffspace upon your next booking. (EG. A guest books a space for $30.00 and you cancel within 3hrs of the booking your guest receives a full refund and your account will show an amount owing to Sniffspace of $4.50 / 15%)

We understand that there will be times where cancellations are unavoidable, but these should not happen regularly as they will be in breach of the code of conduct as a Host and too many occasions could lead to your space being suspended or removed from Sniffspace.