Things to consider
Hosting on Sniffspace is an easy way to supplement your income by utilising your assets when you don’t need them. You can make some extra money while filling your heart with the knowledge that for the furbaby that came to visit, they were safe. Secure and sniffing until they drop.
It’s a win win!
When hosting a Sniffspace take into consideration:

What’s your space really worth?
To you, it’s your backyard, and empty paddock, or an idol piece of grass, but to your guest it’s an oasis, a lush green adventure and a safe space to run free. Don’t undervalue your space and the joy it brings to dogs across Australia.

Be scared of people.
Not every dog that comes into your space will their. You’ll get to meet and greet many a furry friend and their pawrents and watch their happy waggly tails as they run free in your yard.

Own a pet business or trying to start one?
Hosting a space is a great way to get your business out there while supplementing your income as you start. Meet more people, get word of mouth and expand your business

Waivers for your protection
Guest waivers are in place ensuring that all guests are taking responsibility for their dogs and their actions whilst they’re in your space.
Why wait? There are hundreds of dogs waiting to have fun in your space. Sign Up, set up your space profile and wait for the booking. Earn a nice passive income while contributing to the mental health of all dogs.